A Collector’s Unique Birthday: More Than Just a Machete
Ever heard of a machete collector’s birthday? Well, let me take you into the life of one. As a proud owner of various machetes, including the underrated scramasaxe (which technically is a machete, too), today was no ordinary Sunday.
I recently acquired a new piece. Dr. Astrid, a close friend, and renowned expert in all things sharp and dangerous, found this instrument rather… intimidating. To me, it’s not just another tool for the display shelf. This machete is designed for hard work, and I can’t wait to put it to the test. Overgrown bushes, prepare to meet your match.
But this isn’t just about collecting. It’s a metaphor for how I approach my training sessions. You don’t get results by staying on the sidelines or just admiring the tools. You need to get out there and do the work—just like this machete, which was built for action, not decoration.
Training and Machetes: What’s the Connection?
Whether it’s physical training or sharpening your LinkedIn™ strategy, the same rules apply. Consistency, effort, and the right tools lead to impressive results. This machete, like a well-executed LinkedIn™ strategy, is built for performance—not to gather dust.
Just like I don’t collect tools to let them sit in a case, I don’t approach LinkedIn™ with a casual attitude. It’s about being a ProLu™ (Professional LinkedIn User)—a term I like to use to describe those who show up consistently with purpose and focus. ProLus™ don’t just scroll mindlessly—they dominate the platform, applying strategies that work, over and over.
What’s Your Guilty Sunday Pleasure?
On this fine Sunday, my pleasure comes from gearing up for a session with my new tool—although, I’ll admit, it’s not the only guilty pleasure on the menu. What about you? What’s your favorite Sunday indulgence? Perhaps it’s tweaking your LinkedIn™ profile or spending a few hours engaging with key connections?
Whatever it is, take a moment to enjoy it.
And if you’re looking to step u#p your game, whether in the yard or on LinkedIn™, consider joining the ProLu™ community. We’re professionals who know LinkedIn™ like the back of our hands and are always ready to grow. If you’re interested in learning more, follow me and subscribe to my newsletter.