3x3 Strategies #19

3×3 Strategies #19: The End of Creator Mode / Algorithm Report 2024

Creator mode: Invented in 2021, deramped in 2024. Or is it? Header…
SSI (Social Selling Index) in 60 Seconds [Crash Course]

SSI (Social Selling Index) in 60 Seconds [Crash Course]

Vanity Metric or helpful feedback? Understanding LinkedIn™'s…
The Game of LinkedIn™ & The Rules of Cheating, Business, and Joy

The Game of LinkedIn™ & The Rules of Cheating, Business, and Joy

In the dynamic world of LinkedIn™, we navigate through a complex…
SSI Elements - LinkedIn™'s Social Selling Index

The Key Elements of LinkedIn™’s Social Selling Index

Understanding and optimizing your Social Selling Index (SSI)…
Reinventing Your Professional Identity: Crafting the Ultimate LinkedIn™ Slogan

Reinventing Your Professional Identity: Crafting the Ultimate LinkedIn™ Slogan

Gone are the days of mundane, yawning-inducing profile slogans.…
3x3 Strategies #18

3×3 Strategies #18: Playfullness and Content Creation

If LinkedIn™ was computer game, would you still struggle to…
Featured Box for Pages

FRESH! Featured Section for Company Pages

Have you ever found yourself wishing for a magic wand to…
How to trick ChatGPT

Crafting Unique Brand Personas: The Art of Personalized Avatars

In the digital age, personal branding has transcended beyond…
The importance of LinkedIn™ Touchpoints

Unlocking the Power of LinkedIn™ Touchpoints: The Magic of Warm Outreach

Recent insights highlight the power of warm leads in the…
Is LinkedIn™ overheating?

The Paradox of AI in LinkedIn™ Engagement: A New Era of Digital Authenticity?

"It's the attention economy, stupid!" This phrase could very…