Why I Still Use Hashtags on LinkedIn™ in 2024 – and You Should Too

“Ritchie, why are you still using hashtags on LinkedIn™? That is so 2023!” It’s a question I hear often.

You might be wondering, is there any value left in using hashtags on LinkedIn™? Especially when many like Lisa, Dorian, and Kevin have already abandoned them. Are hashtags going the way of the dinosaur?

Despite the rumors, hashtags hold hidden benefits that can still elevate your LinkedIn™ game. Here are four compelling reasons to keep them in your posts:

1. Post URLs

Look at posts’ URLs. It includes the first three hashtags used. Google sometimes indexes posts, making these URLs visible in search results. This means more exposure for your content. Having keywords in your URL can only help.

2. Grouping Posts

Hashtags allow you to create a dedicated feed for specific topics or campaigns. This is a subtle yet effective way to keep related content together and accessible.

fox and owl use hashtags

3. Findability

When users search for hashtags, posts tagged with the relevant hashtag are prioritized. This increases the chances of your post being discovered by a wider audience interested in that topic.

4. Following Hashtags

Followers of a particular hashtag may see your post in their feed. While getting people to follow a hashtag requires effort, it can expand your reach once you achieve it.

Now you understand why I still use 3-5 hashtags in all my posts. By the way, consider following #linkedin3x3byRitchie to stay updated on my latest insights.