Business Graph

Keep Your Connections Close and Your Leads Closer

Ever heard of the 6 degrees of LinkedIn™?

Networking is the cornerstone of professional growth, and LinkedIn™ offers a unique way to understand and leverage your connections. Let’s take a journey with Chris and Tony to explore how connections evolve and impact your business strategy.

Step 1: The Invitation

Chris has a LinkedIn™ account; Tony doesn’t. Chris invites Tony to join the platform. This initial step is crucial as it marks the beginning of Tony’s LinkedIn™ journey. Without an invitation, Tony remains in the offline world, missing out on vast opportunities.

Step 2: Floating in Space

Now, both Chris and Tony have LinkedIn™ profiles but no connections. At this stage, LinkedIn™ can feel like a vast, empty space. They are like two satellites in the digital B2B cosmos, unaware of the potential networks they could build.

Step 3: Expanding Networks

Both start to expand their networks. Tony connects with someone who is already connected to Loren, one of Chris’s connections. This makes Chris and Tony third-degree connections. They now have a slight chance of seeing each other’s updates, turning the vast space into a more interconnected network.

Step 4: Getting Closer

Chris and Tony both connect with Loren. This action transforms them into second-degree connections. By visiting each other’s profiles, they start seeing overlapping first-degree connections. Currently, Loren is the common link between them.

Step 5: Direct Connection

Chris sends Tony a connection request, which Tony accepts with a smile. Now, they are first-degree connections. This direct link allows them to chat and access each other’s contact information, opening doors to direct communication and collaboration.

Step 6: Engaging with Content

Chris and Tony activate the profile bell on each other’s profiles, ensuring they get notified about each new post. Chris decides to unfollow Loren, whose content doesn’t resonate with him. This step highlights the importance of curating your LinkedIn™ feed to align with your interests and professional goals.

Strategic Networking

Strategic networking means getting closer to the right people. Chris and Tony’s journey illustrates how connections on LinkedIn™ can transform from distant third-degree contacts into valuable first-degree connections, enriching their professional lives and opening up new opportunities.

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