Wanted: Student Teaching Assistant

Wanted: Student Teaching Assistant for my Social Media Course at University of Vienna

Are you a student at the University of Vienna with a passion…
Business Graph

Keep Your Connections Close and Your Leads Closer

Ever heard of the 6 degrees of LinkedIn™? Networking is…
Beware of Bad Advice!

The 5 Worst Pieces of LinkedIn™ Advice: Avoid!

Ever stumble upon advice so cringe-worthy it leaves you wondering…
ChatGPT politics

European Parliament Elections: Simplifying the Political Maze with ChatGPT

Do political terms leave you scratching your head? You’re…
The importance of your LinkedIn™ slogan

Transform Your LinkedIn™ Profile: Stand Out with a Unique and Memorable Slogan

Is your LinkedIn™ profile swaying in the right direction like…
Chainsaw vs. Online Course

How a Generous Neighbor Transformed My Approach to Learning

When we moved into our garden home, I quickly realized that…
Spelling Mistakes

Is Poor Spelling really Costing You Opportunities?

We all make mistakes. I once sent a quote to a client and forgot…
Old, new, borrowed, blue

LinkedIn™ Profiles need: Something old, new, borrowed and blue!

Ever noticed the charming tradition at weddings where brides…
Focus on Trust

Why Trust Should Be Your Top Priority in B2B Strategies

Trust forms the cornerstone of every successful B2B relationship.…
Company Page hacks

Leverage the Full Potential of Your LinkedIn™ Company Page: A Comprehensive Guide

IYour LinkedIn™ company page is more than just a corporate…