How to Charge More in Price-Sensitive Markets

In price-sensitive markets, it’s a race to the bottom. There’s always someone willing to charge less. If your services cost more, you’re likely feeling the heat.

But here’s the thing: the buyers who matter aren’t just looking for the cheapest option. They’re seeking value. So how do you adjust your offer to reflect that?

It’s like buying a cap. Sure, you can grab a knockoff with a fake Gucci logo for €1. But it won’t be the same as the cap that caught your eye—the one that’s green, says “Work in Progress,” and is made of 100% cotton.

The real deal always feels different. It doesn’t just cover your head; it makes a statement. Just like your services should.


Cheap or subtle hats?

Why Cheap is Not the Answer for B2B Buyers

In the B2B world, buyers aren’t interested in “cheap.” They want experts who understand them. They need to trust that you’ll get the job done right, with care and precision.

If you’re competing on price alone, you’re playing a dangerous game. Sooner or later, someone will undercut you.

Position Yourself as the Go-To Expert

This is where LinkedIn™ steps in. Your profile isn’t just a resume; it’s your personal billboard. Align your profile, network, and content to show buyers why you’re worth the extra investment. Suddenly, you’re not just a freelancer with an hourly rate. You’re a solution.

Your online presence should make your services scream “great value” instead of whispering “cheap price.”

Prize vs. Value

Are You Ready to Charge What You’re Worth?

If you’re still unsure about raising your rates, remember this: there’s a difference between a €1 fake cap and a €50 quality one. The same goes for your services.

B2B buyers won’t hesitate to pay more if you’re offering something valuable. But you need to show them why you’re the expert they need.

PS: How do you feel about negotiating rates? If it makes you cringe, you’re probably ready to raise your prices.